Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) pop-up meeting

Dear Community Engagement Forum member

You are invited to a virtual Pop-Up meeting on Violence Against Women and Girls.

Join our online session for an overview of the topic and a presentation given by Fiona Lewis (Domestic Violence and Abuse Service Officer, SGC) and Police Sergeant Claire Leakey (Avon & Somerset Police).

The event will cover the following areas and provide an opportunity to ask questions:

  • a short presentation on Violence Against Women and Girls explaining the importance of the topic and why South Gloucestershire’s Safer and Stronger Communities Strategic Partnership has made this a priority
  • your opportunity to share your views, opinions and experiences

There are 2 meetings that will take place on:

  • Thursday 23 February, 12 to 1pm
  • Thursday 23 February, 6.30 to 7.30pm

You only need to attend one of the events.

Join on your computer or mobile app via Microsoft Teams, click one of the links below at the time of the meeting:

For information relating to Pop-Up meetings and Community Engagement Forums visit our webpage.

Flyers, Presentations and Q and A  documents for the Pop-up meetings can be found in the online library.